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Nepal Ambulance Service in impressive service to nation
A New Lockdown

Unfortunately the incidence of Covid-19 infection in Nepal is still on the rise. As of August 20, the chief district officers of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur have put a ban on public mobility and vehicular movements in the Valley – unless for buying medicines and other essentials. On the first day of the enforcement of the prohibitory orders, authorities had mobilised security personnel on major road sections of the Kathmandu Valley to enforce the restrictions. 

As a result, NAS have seen a staggering increase in the amount of ambulance call-outs. With taxis off the road and personal vehicles temporarily banned, NAS ambulances are extraordinarily busy and crews highly stressed. They are working extremely hard despite the risk of infection to themselves.  


NAS now have 5 ambulances dedicated exclusively to Covid-19 work. Crews for these ambulances are living in isolated housing provided by NAS. Some NAS employees have not been home in 5 months!


NAS ambulances and crews are making an outstanding contribution to the Nepali fight against Covid-19. Your support for these efforts is a great encouragement to NAS crews. They very much appreciate your help. Thank you.


In addition to its ambulance runs caring for suspected Covid-19 patients, NAS EMTs have conducted key training programmes for Nepal Army, Police and Armed Police Force in the use of personal protective equipment and proper biomedical waste management.


The training took place at Shree Birendra Hospital and was supervised by NAS Medical Director Dr Kulesh Thapa.

Disinfection techiques
How to dress in PPE
A pdf Report on NAS and Covid-19 for May 2020

NAS has produced a pdf report summarising its activities and interventions addressing the Covid-19 pandemic in Nepal.


The pdf viwer below allows you to scroll through the report page by page

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